巴菲特关于投资的5条名言:• "If a business does well,the stock eventu...
2024-12-21 1:54:06
来源:雪球App,作者: 常銕永滙兆資本,(https://xueqiu.com/6908860141/312837636)巴菲特关于投资的5条名言:• "If a business does well,the stock eventually follows."这句话强调了公司业绩与股价之间的关系,意味着如果一家公司运营良好,其股票最终也会表现良好。• "Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years."这句话体现了巴菲特对长期投资的偏好,建议投资者只购买那些即使市场关闭十年也愿意持有的股票。• "Our favorite holding period is forever."这句话表明了巴菲特对长期持有股票的偏好,他认为理想的持股期限是“永远”。• "Price is what you pay;value is what you get."这句话揭示了巴菲特对投资价值的理解,即价格是你付出的,而价值是你得到的。• "Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."这句话是巴菲特最著名的投资格言之一,鼓励投资者在市场贪婪时保持警惕,在市场恐惧时寻找机会。#巴菲特#